Dominic Ascione's baptism in beautiful Hyde Park

Dominic was baptized the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  It was a nice night and the service was beautiful! 

Baptisms are always so special; documenting life is crucial. Events like baptisms--though not always photographed--are great moments to take advantage of a photographer (like me!) who can leave you with visual leftovers after the event is done.

Thank you to the Ascione family for hiring me to take photos of their baby boy's big moment.  It's such an honor to be able to photograph any family's milestones, and this one was no exception.

To view all the photos from the evening and order prints, hop right over HERE.


  1. that is one beautiful baby! and the photos are fantastic! nice work ash!

  2. Oh, he's cute! It seems silly to me that Dave has a baby. Not sure why though. Haha!


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